Project Role for RERTO Inspection module

Project Role for RERTO Inspection module

RE/RTO Inspection Requestor

User: Maincon user

Request Inspection (RE/RTO INSPECTION)

  1. Allowed to manage request RE/RTO Inspection
  2. Void requested inspection
  3. Copy requested inspection
  4. Manage supportive document

Handle Corrective Actions (RE/RTO INSPECTION)

  1. Allowed to manage corrective actions

Form Submission (RE/RTO INSPECTION)

  1. Submit and manage RE/RTO form

RE/RTO Inspector

User: Client user

Form Submission (RE/RTO INSPECTION)

  1. Submit and manage RE/RTO form


  1. Allowed to read RE/RTO inspection
  2. Allowed to raise finding
  3. Make approval on corrective actions

Confirm Request Inspection (RE/RTO INSPECTION)

  1. Allowed to read requested inspection
  2. Allowed to reject or confirm the requested inspection

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