Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: I am unable to verify my email
A: make sure you verify your email as soon as you create your account, there is a period where the verification will be valid, please contact support if the link brings you to a broken page before using your account
Q: I cannot find the verification link to verify my email
A: please make sure the email address used in CTMS is accurate and accessible, check your spam/junk folder if your email address is correct
Q: I cannot find the OTP in my email
A: please make sure the email address used in CTMS is accurate and accessible, check your spam/junk folder if your email address is correct
Q: 2FA code is not working in my account
A: make sure the time is synced to your authenticator app and your email must be verified
Q: can I contact support to create an account for my worker?
A: you can ask your company admin to create the account for you, if there are any problems with the creation you can contact support
Q: The Website has some issues submitting PTW or with the layout
A: Clear your browser cache using 'control + f5' or going under 'browsing history' to clear your cache
Q: I am unable to see project
A: contact your company admin to assign you to the required projects, log in and out of CTMS to update after being added
Q: I am unable to submit PTW
A: make sure that you are logged in and out of your account after the assignment, make sure the roles assigned to you are: applicant (document) and applicant (ptw) and make sure you attach checklists assigned to the current day.
if none of these helped you, please contact your support