8. Excel file for bulk upload Worker data

8. Excel file for bulk upload Worker data

You can bulk upload worker data on CTMS. You can use this excel format, Fill in worker data into it and upload it to CTMS using the Bulk upload Worker feature.



1. Full NameIdentification(NRIC/FIN), Email, and Mobile are required.

2. Make sure all tables have a border, otherwise the data will not be read and will fail to be saved by the system.

3. Do not change the header name in the table, otherwise the data will not be read and will fail to be saved by the system.

4. Do not change the name on the Worker Registration Sheet, otherwise the data will not be read and will fail to be saved by the system.

5. For the date format, use the DD-MMM-YYYY format

6. You can update worker's data by re-uploading the worker list, but make sure the NRIC remains unchanged.

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